Strap to attach Clif Bars to your Bike

Clif Bar came to Ecologic Designs with the task of creating a light-weight method for carrying Clif Bars while biking.
Clif Bar was initially envisioned on the “Epiphany Ride” in which, Gary Erickson rode far too long and decided he couldn’t eat one more Powerbar.

Ecologic Designs was beyond excited to produce a custom upcycled product for Clif Bar- using bike inner-tubes and reflective binding for high visibility- meant for bringing nutrition bars on long rides but simultaneously not being weighed down with bulky bike bags.

Born on a bike- while the owner was living in a garage- Clif Bar took off at record pace with the help of family and friends. This message is printed onto the carrying strap and reinforces the message of how a simple idea of wanting other nutrition options can become a revolution. Using organic ingredients, baking with clean- renewable energy, environmentally friendly packaging, and using non-polluting transportation methods are just a few ways Clif Bar is looking to reduce its ecological impact where-ever possible.

Clif Bar boasts a tradition that brings us together through the love being outdoors and being healthy. So get onboard with Clif Bars’ positive environmental message while responsibly consuming products that have had one or more lives before becoming famed Clif Bar carriers.

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